Supporting Services
Vantage Point maintains an extensive network of industry and subject matter specific experts. This means there is never any pressure to unnecessarily staff engagements. Furthermore, our strong preference to utilize (and ultimately train) existing personnel whenever possible means the long-term knowledge accrues to and ultimately stays where it should…with the client.
1. Industry-Specific
Restaurants, Healthcare, Distribution, Construction, Trucking, Lumber, Finance, Real Estate, etc. Our strategic partners come from within the industries within which we have worked.
2. Professional Services
Accounting, Tax, Legal, Marketing, HR, Benefits, Insurance, IT, Supply Chain, Logistics, etc. Subject matter experts on call as needed.
3. Geographic
Our network extends not only throughout the US but also to select countries around the globe. Mr. Smith has extensive experience working in Africa, and has supported companies with operations in Ireland, China, SE Asia, etc.